Blog Post

Limitless Learning

a Blog by Ciaran Barry Coaching

From Unfulfilling to Purposeful: Discover Your Ultimate Life and Career Path

Do you feel stuck and unfulfilled in your life and career?

You wake up and think to yourself, "How am I going to get through another day of this.” You spend your days bored, miserable and waiting for the next weekend or paycheck. You know the job you are doing is not your calling or what you want to do for the rest of your life, but you don’t know how to change it. 

Some days you wake up and say, “today is the day I make a change in my life, the day I register for that course, hire a coach, put my CV in for the job I've been dreaming about, prioritise my mental health, and set boundaries." You're filled with determination and enthusiasm, ready to take charge. But as the day unfolds, doubt creeps in, tasks pile up, and the familiar comfort zone tugs at you.

By the time you come home, unfulfilled again, it's easy to start beating yourself up. You might tell yourself that you were too busy and that you'll do it tomorrow, that things are not as bad as you think they are.

Deep down, you know that this is a lie you tell yourself to justify not changing. You might even sometimes wonder what is wrong with you, why can’t you do it when everyone else seems to achieve what they want. You tell yourself that things will get better at work, you will get that promotion and you will have more money to start making the changes you want. 

This is also a lie you have been telling yourself for years. The truth is, there is never a right time to change careers, invest money in yourself or to start prioritising your mental and physical health. There will always be challenges and distractions. Ultimately, it just comes down to how bad you want to change your life and what you are willing to do to achieve it.

Why is it so hard to make changes?

  • You may not have invested the time or money to uncover what it is you truly want to achieve in your life. If someone asked you today, what do you want to achieve in your lifetime or what do you want your legacy to be, would you be able to tell them?
  • You do not believe in yourself or your abilities, and you have so many negative beliefs about yourself that you now think you will never be able to achieve your goals in life.
  • You have convinced yourself that you do not have the money, time, motivation or willpower to require what you really want.
  • You are terrified of being judged by family, friends and others. You fear what everyone will think if you try and fail.

To make any change in your life, you need to make a conscious decision to make the change. You need to make a committed decision that you will do everything to achieve your goal regardless of what people say or think.

You only have one life and you only one chance to live it to its fullest. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I living my life life to the fullest I can?
  • If I continue my current habits, what will the relationship be that I have with my spouse, family, or future child?
  • If I continue to live my life the way I am right now, will I have regrets at the end of my life?
  • When I die, will my work have made any difference in the world I lived in?

Practical steps to "unstuck" yourself

Discover your personal values

Personal values are the guiding principles that shape our lives and influence our decisions. They represent what is most important to us at a fundamental level. These values serve as a compass, helping us navigate the complexities of life and help us make choices that align with our authentic selves. 

Questions to help you uncover your values:

  • Question 1: Think of a time when you felt incredibly fulfilled and happy. What were you doing, and why do you think it made you feel that way?
  • Question 2: Imagine you have all the resources and freedom you need. What kind of activities, causes, or pursuits would you engage in? Why are these important to you?

Identify Limiting beliefs that hold you back

Limiting beliefs are deeply held thoughts or beliefs that hold us back from pursuing our goals and dreams in life. They have a profound impact on our lives, holding us back from reaching our full potential and exploring new horizons. Limiting beliefs stop us from doing the important things, like applying for our dream job, travelling the world with our best friends, or from finding our soulmate. They act as mental barriers, whispering self-doubt and fear into our minds.

In order to achieve great success you need to change these beliefs.

  1. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions 
  2. Challenge your Beliefs 
  3. Replace them with empowering beliefs 

Check out the full blog post on limiting beliefs here

Build your Confidence 

Confidence is a feeling of trust in your abilities, qualities, and judgement. Low confidence can impact your relationships and prevent you from fully utilising your talents and achieving your goals is life. 

How to build your confidence

  • Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
  • Take care of your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
  • Challenge yourself by engaging in activities that push you outside your comfort zone.
  • Seek opportunities for personal growth and learning.

Check out the full blog post on building confidence here

Move outside your comfort zone

Our comfort zone can become a trap, holding us back from achieving our goals in life. We can become complacent and stop developing, which can limit our potential and opportunities going forward. It can also have an effect on our confidence overtime if we never try something new. 

How to move outside your comfort zone

  1. Take It Step by Step. Just push yourself to gently move outside your comfort zone
  2. Consider the worst that could happen. Often what we think might happen will never happen.
  3. Reward yourself for doing uncomfortable things. 
  4. Visualise yourself doing the things that scare you.

Change in any form can be scary, but if there is one thing certain in this world it is that change in inevitable. Your job, friends, family and other aspects of your life will change overtime. If you do not put yourself in the driver’s seat and drive to your desired destination, some day you will wake up and realise you have arrived at someone elses destination.

Do you need help changing your life and achieving your dreams?

No one can achieve everything on their own, that is why I offer a personalised Limitless Life - Coaching programme. 


You receive individual support to address obstacles as they arise, ensuring your success.


I help you create a clear vision for what you want your life to look like and together we create an action plan for you to achieve it. 


I delve deep into the values, passions and dreams that you desire, clearing major inner blocks that hinder your progress and empower you to take action. We will unblock your subconscious fears and destructive patterns so you can discover your deeper “why” and build a business, career and life of purpose.


Together we will create a plan of action to close the gap from where you currently are to get you to where you want to be. 


I support you to stay on track, ensuring you remain accountable for your progress.

Imagine finally freeing yourself from all the internal obstacles, where you no longer holding yourself back.

Picture a life where you have the self-belief and confidence to achieve everything you want, free from a lifetime of regrets.

Want to know more? Book your free discovery session today or send me an email. Let's have a chat.

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Ready to take the next step?

I specialise in helping individuals who feel stuck in their professional and personal life move forward by empowering them to create a vision for what they want their future to look like, overcome obstacles, rediscover motivation, align decisions with their personal values and eliminating limiting beliefs to achieve the life they dream of.

Book your Free Consultation and find out what we can achieve together.

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