a Blog by Ciaran Barry Coaching
In a world where limitations are often self-imposed, it is time to break free from the chains of doubt and unleash the immense power that resides within each and every one of us. Welcome to "Unleash Your Power: Shattering Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Extraordinary Success," a blog post dedicated to embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and unparalleled achievement.
Limiting beliefs are deeply held thoughts or beliefs that hold us back from pursuing our goals and dreams in life. They have a profound impact on our lives, holding us back from reaching our full potential and exploring new horizons. Limiting beliefs stop us from doing the important things, like applying for our dream job, travelling the world with our best friends, or from finding our soulmate. They act as mental barriers, whispering self-doubt and fear into our minds. What if we could break free from these constraints? What if we could transform our thoughts and beliefs to empower ourselves? In this blog, we will delve into the realm of limiting beliefs, understand their influence, and explore effective strategies to overcome them. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and liberation.
Do you think you have limiting beliefs? Take the test.
Firstly, let’s take a look at where limiting beliefs come from. Limiting beliefs originate from various sources and experiences throughout our lifetime. The most common ways beliefs are formed are from childhood experiences, media and external influences or trauma. Limiting beliefs are formed to protect us from fear and pain. When formed, they usually serve us in some way for a period of time. For example, let’s say you were a quirky child, someone who did things a little differently. You never felt like you fitted in anywhere and didn’t have many friends. This led to you forming a belief that you are not lovable when you are fully yourself. Maybe as a result you started to hide things about yourself, not letting people get to know the real you.
As a result you started to fit in with other people, started to make more friends and showed interest in family activities. This served you as a child by preventing you from the pain of feeling like an outsider. Now as an adult this belief is preventing you from finding your true passion in life, the right partner or friendship circle. It is preventing you from chasing your deepest desires and dreams, ultimately preventing you from reaching your full potential.
"I'm not smart/talented/creative enough."
"I don't deserve happiness/success/love."
"I can't change; this is just the way I am."
"I'll never be able to achieve my dreams."
"Money is evil."
"I'm too old/young to start something new."
"If I try, I'll only disappoint myself or others."
"I always mess things up."
Overcoming these limiting beliefs is one of the most precious gifts we can give to ourselves. It is not a straight forward process dissolving beliefs we have carried with us all our lives but it is definitely worth the journey. Dissolving these beliefs is a transformative process that requires self-reflection, perseverance, and intentional action.
The first step in overcoming limiting beliefs is to become aware of them. Many of our beliefs come from our unconscious mind, meaning that most of the time we are not aware of them. The best way to become aware of them is to start paying attention to your thoughts and emotions. When you feel yourself holding back or fearful to do something, ask yourself why? Where does this fear come from and what is it telling me? Start following the thread until you have an idea of where that belief is stemming from.
Question your beliefs. Ask yourself if they are real or just assumptions. Do you have evidence to back them up? Often our beliefs have gone unquestioned for so long that they are no longer true or were never true. Search for counterexamples and alternative perspectives that contradict them. By challenging your beliefs and questioning the validity, they will no longer have such a strong hold over you.
Once you are aware of your beliefs and know that they are not true, it is time to replace them with more powerful beliefs.
So if your belief was "I don't deserve happiness/success/love"
change it to "I deserve happiness/success/love and I am working hard to create a life I love".
Do you see how much more empowering this is? It might feel weird at the start but keep doing it. Overtime your subconscious mind will begin to believe it and this will become your new belief.
Overcoming limiting beliefs requires action. Start by taking small steps outside your comfort zone daily. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just take small steps that bring you closer to your goal. The more action you take the more it will reaffirm your belief.
The final and most important step is embracing compassion. It’s often easy to judge ourselves and our flaws, but this will not help you move forward. Treat yourself with compassion and understanding when changing your limiting beliefs. Everyone has challenges and will have setbacks at some stage in their life.
Overcoming limiting beliefs is a transformative journey. As a life coach I have had the pleasure of seeing many individuals overcome their limiting beliefs and go on to achieve amazing things. By cultivating self-awareness, challenging our beliefs, and taking inspired action, we can replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Empowering beliefs ultimately give us the confidence to go out into the world and achieve our full potential.
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I specialise in helping individuals who feel stuck in their professional and personal life move forward by empowering them to create a vision for what they want their future to look like, overcome obstacles, rediscover motivation, align decisions with their personal values and eliminating limiting beliefs to achieve the life they dream of.
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